Week 1!

We are settled in and loving every minute of our time together! It’s wonderful to see the kids’ shining, happy faces as they walk into the school in the morning eager to greet friends and begin their day.

We begin with opening circle, a time for tradition, song, and meditation — and an opportunity to ground us all in what it means to start a new day together.

First Opening Circle

The rest of our day is flurry of art, writing, games, problem solving, museum exploration, experimentation, and more.

  wire sculptures first week

       Intro to Sound Science week 1

                                        First look at Connections theme

And of course, lunch time provides us a daily ritual for connections and play across ages!

bigs and littles enjoy lunch together

Not to mention the fact that we leave the campus almost every day. Here are some of our field trip highlights from last week:

An introduction to museum etiquette with Anne-Marie at MOCA, where screaming at art pieces and lounging around in oversize bean bags is completely acceptable and totally the norm.

MOCA week 1


Here we are at TMA in the Western Art Gallery dramatically reinterpreting one of the works of art. Thanks, Marianna for letting us use our cameras in the gallery to take our selfies with some of the portraits!

exploring TMA week 1

And of course, the children love having P.E. at Playformance:

first PE at Playformance

Finally, we just couldn’t resist taking a special trip to explore the Eckbo fountains at the TCC, an important piece of Tucson’s unique architectural heritage — and really fun for climbing, too!

Exploring Eckbo Fountains

All in all, it was a great first week. As we reach the midway point in Week 2, many new provocations and experiments lend themselves to exploring our first Learning Arc theme of CONNECTIONS.  Stay tuned for more on that!